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Which accident types should construction workers be aware of?

On Behalf of | Nov 5, 2019 | Workers' Compensation |

As a construction worker, you already know that your job is one of the most dangerous. People in Connecticut and elsewhere can be injured in any profession, but there are more risks prevalent in the construction industry than in many others. You can reduce the chances of being seriously injured or killed by being aware of the risks, as well as knowing how to perform your job properly and safely.

In 2017, 971 construction workers across the country lost their lives in workplace accidents. According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, these deaths made up 20.7% of all fatal work accidents that year. Four types of accidents, in particular, are responsible for a significant portion of serious accidents in the construction industry. You may have heard of the term “fatal four,” which are said to kill about 631 construction workers in the country each year. These four accident types include the following:

  • Falls, which were responsible for 39.2% of construction worker deaths in 2017
  • Struck-by accidents, resulting in 8.2% of construction deaths that year
  • Electrocutions, responsible for 7.3% of construction fatalities
  • Caught-in/between accidents, accounting for 5.1% of fatal construction accidents in 2017

OSHA officials and other agencies and awareness efforts are focused on reducing construction accidents related to the fatal four and other incidents. Your employer may help you and your co-workers avoid workplace accidents by adequately training you in construction procedures, providing you with the appropriate safety equipment and ensuring safety standards are met. The information provided in this post is not meant to replace the advice of a lawyer.