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Fun and affordable summer plans for divorced dads

On Behalf of | Apr 14, 2023 | Family Law |

Summer vacation is an opportunity for parents to spend some quality time with their children. For divorced parents, this can be a time to strengthen bonds with their kids while they ensure that the best possible summer memories are made. Here are some summer plan ideas for divorced dads in Connecticut.

Take advantage of the nice weather

If you’re a divorced dad, there’s a plethora of things that you can do outside in the summertime that won’t cost you a dime. At the very least, these outdoor activities tend to be relatively inexpensive.

One great idea is to take a camping trip. It’s a fun way to reconnect with nature while you get the young ones away from their technological distractions. It’s also a time when you don’t have to think about work or other stresses.

Another fun option is an outdoor movie, whether you have your own projector or there’s a movie in the park. These types of community events are often held in the summer. It can be especially fun if your kids are already big fans of the movie, and it might be a chance to meet up with their friends and other families to enjoy a shared experience. This can help give you a sense of community during a challenging time.

Meals are better when enjoyed in nature

Your kids might like to go on a picnic. Everyone is happier with a full belly. This usually comes after a walk or a hike, and you might also incorporate a swim into the trip. Your kids are bound to be worn out and happy by the end of the day.

One last summer fun idea is to check out the library. Your kids might find a new book series to delve into and you’ll escape the heat of the day in an air-conditioned building.