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Personal injury can cause Herniated discs

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2020 | Personal Injury |

Personal injury can lead to many medical conditions. Hernia discs are one of the most common conditions caused by personal injury. According to Mayo Clinic, Hernia is described as a protrusion of an organ beyond the cavity which normally contains it. Such a condition can also involve disks in the spine. A spinal disc serves as a cushion between the two vertebrae. The outer part of the disc may degenerate and lead to the bulging of the inner side. The bulged part is referred to as a herniated disc. 

People suffering from herniated discs may not require medical treatment in order to recover. If nonsurgical treatments have not improved the condition of the disc after six weeks, surgery can be done. Diagnostic testing results must also support that the herniated disc is treatable with surgery. According to WebMD, the different types of surgeries for a herniated disc are open discectomy and endoscopic microdiscectomy. In open discectomy, the herniated content that presses the nerve or the spine is removed. 

Other oppressing factors such as spinal stenosis are also managed. This procedure is considered the most effective type of surgery for a herniated disk. Under general anesthesia, a small incision is made over the center or right of the back where the herniated disc is located. Once the herniated part has been removed and pressure is relieved from the nerves, the incision will be closed. 

The endoscopic microdiscectomy is a type of surgical procedure for herniated disc, like an open discectomy. But it has a smaller incision, and an endoscope or microscope is used. Instead of cutting through the muscles and tissues, they are just separated to allow the passage of the endoscope. In the spine, the same procedure is used as in open discectomy, but due to limited space, such technique can not be used in everyone.