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Failing to keep certain prescription drugs in their containers is a crime

On Behalf of | Apr 1, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

There’s no denying that the term “narcotics” has negative connotations.  The word is usually related to other illegal substances abused for their stimulating and addictive effects. However, there are some prescription drugs that aren’t just narcotics but also perfectly legal for medical use. These include drugs such as codeine, morphine, oxycodone and fentanyl.

Narcotic prescription drugs may be legal to use as medication, but they can still be abused like their illegal counterparts. This is one of the reasons why Connecticut has laws restricting prescription narcotics in their original containers.

State law on keeping prescription narcotics in their original containers

According to state law, persons prescribed by a physician, dentist or pharmacist to take any narcotic drug must keep the drug in its original container. Those who don’t keep the narcotic drug in the original container commit a class D misdemeanor.

Drug storage exceptions

The law makes certain exemptions for persons who, in good faith, store their narcotic prescriptions properly and out of reach from others. These storage exceptions include:

  • A pill box or organizer stored within the person’s residence
  • A secured or locked pill box or case accompanied by proof of prescription

Any other storage method is grounds for criminal charges.

The penalties for violating drug storage rules

Failure to follow Connecticut’s law on storing prescription narcotics can lead to criminal charges. On conviction, a person faces up to 30 days of jail time and a $250 fine. These might seem small enough punishments, but a conviction also leaves a person with a criminal record.

Connecticut’s law on the storage of narcotic drugs serves to protect individuals and the community at large. Remember that you can get a criminal record for simply not storing your medication in its proper containers. If you face charges, keep in mind what a conviction for the offense can lead to. A legal professional may be able to help you with your case and seek the most optimal outcome for your trial.