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Quiet title actions in Connecticut: what you need to know

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2021 | Real Estate |

“Quiet title action” is a real estate term that describes the process of transferring ownership of real property from one person to another. You may have heard about these actions when you bought your home, but there are some things you may not know about it. This article discusses what you need to know about quiet title actions, and how they could affect you.

What is a quiet title in real estate?

A real estate quiet title action is a real estate term that describes a process of transferring ownership of real property from one person to another. This can happen when you buy a home or need to sell your house quickly and you’re finding it difficult to get a buyer. You can also have real estate quiet title actions when you inherit a property or if someone who holds the deed to your home dies.

When is a real estate quiet title action used?

A real estate quiet title action is usually used when there are two people with a claim to ownership in real estate. For instance, when real estate gets split in a divorce, there may be two people with claims to ownership. In this situation, the real estate will need to go through a quiet title action before it gets sold because only one person has a clear legal claim to ownership and should have full rights of sale. Also, if a deceased person owns real estate and there are two people who claim that they own it, the real estate will need to go through a quiet title action before it gets sold.

Finding yourself in a real estate quiet title action is less than ideal. However, you can take some solace in knowing it’s usually resolved quickly and easily with the proper legal help.