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Dealing with delayed car accident injuries

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2021 | Personal Injury |

When someone suffers a severe laceration or gets rendered unconscious after a car crash, a trip to the hospital likely follows. Sometimes, a Connecticut car accident could result in less apparent injuries, leading a victim to skip the visit to an emergency room. A tragedy may follow since some severe injuries may go unnoticed until things worsen. Other injuries could be outright delayed.

A delayed injury

Sometimes after a car accident, a victim may experience headaches. Because headaches are not uncommon problems, the person might not seek medical care. However, the problem may result from the impact of the accident. Anything from a concussion or a blood clot could be the cause of the headache. Such conditions could be life-threatening. And these injuries may occur even without impact.

Neck and spinal problems may not be apparent either. Shockingly, someone could suffer a broken neck and never realize it. Not seeking care after experiencing a broken neck might result in permanent paralysis.

Often, neck problems derive from whiplash. While not as serious as a broken neck or spinal damage, whiplash might cause discomfort and pain and require immediate treatment.

Ignoring back pain comes with risks. A seemingly minor back problem could be spinal damage.

Dealing with delayed injuries

Ignoring tingling or numbness could prove regrettable since these symptoms could indicate a dire injury. Some might not see a doctor after car accidents due to concerns over the costs. Accident victims might explore legal options to recover losses from a car accident. These losses could include medical expenses and lost wages.

A full injury diagnosis may lead to the victim getting appropriate medical care. The faster someone receives care, the less chance there is of things getting worse. A proper diagnosis might deliver the evidence necessary for a civil suit or insurance claim as well.