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Amazon’s employee injury rate causes concern

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2022 | Workers' Compensation |

The Northeast has become the focus of the media because of attempts to unionize a New York Amazon warehouse. Worker’s comp has become more important than ever for Amazon employees looking to protect themselves from injury. The injury rate reported by the Strategic Organizing Center is more than double the average of other warehouses. The warehouse injury rate revelation comes at a time when Amazon’s drivers report a high rate of injuries.

High injury rates

Amazon employs 33 percent of all U.S. warehouse employees. The number of injuries suffered by Amazon employees has risen to 6.8 per 100 employees. The number of injuries reported has risen to more than double the numbers reported by the other warehouses in the U.S. The average injury rate for other warehouse employers is 3.3 per 100 employees.

Unionization comes from injury fears

Attempts to unionize Amazon warehouses came from fears of injuries and worker’s comp. The unionization drive across the U.S. comes as Amazon driver’s injury records cause concern. Drivers reported injuries at a rate of one in five in 2021. Figures from 2021 show Amazon drivers were injured at a rate of 18.3 per 100 employees. The figure shows a 40 percent rise over 2020s statistics.

Amazon addresses the issues

Issues facing Amazon have become focused on workplace injuries and safety. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed an investment of $300 million will focus on improving safety procedures. A spike in hiring in 2021 is being blamed for the rise in injuries by executives at Amazon.

Now is the time to start a worker’s comp claim if you have been injured working for Amazon. The company’s injury record is under review for apparent failures to protect employees.