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How speeding affects motor vehicle accidents

On Behalf of | Jun 13, 2022 | Personal Injury |

Speeding is a risky driver behavior that increases the severity of car accidents. The year 2020 marked a reversal in Connecticut and across the United States in speeding-related injuries and fatalities after years of decline. Other factors also play into accident severity. Nevertheless, speeding accounted for 29% of all fatal accidents.

Types of drivers that cause speeding accidents

The number of fatal motor vehicle accidents attributed to speeding totaled 10,136 in 2020, with more than 30 people dying from their injuries each day. Law enforcement authorities classify incidents as speeding accidents under these circumstances if the driver was:

  • Charged with a speeding-related offense
  • Going too fast for conditions
  • Exceeding the posted speed limit

The younger a driver is, the more likely they will cause a fatal mishap, with those aged 15 to 20 most likely to be involved. As the age of drivers increases, they are less like to cause a deadly motor vehicle accident. Men were also more likely than women to be behind the wheel.

In addition to speed, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol also contributed to fatal accidents, with drivers aged 25 to 34 most likely to drink and drive, as well as speed. The number of impaired drivers falls sharply after age 55.

Do road conditions contribute to fatal accidents?

Although accidents can occur under all types of road conditions, wet surfaces can also play a significant role in fatalities and serious injuries. The type of wet road also makes a difference as more mishaps occur when moving or standing water, snow, slush, or ice are present in addition to high speeds. More speeding accidents also occur on dirt or gravel roads.

Even when fatalities don’t occur, injuries are often more severe when speed is present. If you or someone in your family have sustained injuries or caused death in an accident involving a driver who was speeding, you may be entitled to compensation. You have the right to file a lawsuit to receive payments for medical payments, pain and suffering, living expenses, rehabilitation, and more.